Month: February 2020

Coronavirus — February 29th, 2020 Facts

▶️ China has reported another 35 deaths and 573 cases today. Here’s the breakdown. Deaths: In mainland China: 2,870; Outside China: 106; Global total: 2,976. Cases: In mainland China: 79,824; Outside China: 6,676; Global total: 86,500. ▶️ The US announced its first death from the coronavirus earlier today – a Washington state […]

Календарь культурных событий Большого Далласа c 29 февраля по 15 марта

ВНИМАНИЕ! СКОРО В ДАЛЛАСЕ! Театр «Шалом» представляет сенсацию сезона — премьеру комедии «Семь раз отмерь» 16 апреля в Даллас приезжает классический Еврейский Театр «Шалом» с очень смешным спектаклем «Семь раз отмерь». За основу постановки взята пьеса Анатолия Трушкина. Звездый актерский состав театра не даст вам соскучиться, предлагая новые шутки и […]

Coronavirus — February 28th, 2020 Facts

▶️ The novel coronavirus has killed more than 2,900 people worldwide, the vast majority in mainland China. There have been more than 85,000 global cases, with infections in every continent except Antarctica. ▶️ Since the start of the outbreak, 79,251 have been infected with coronavirus and 39,002 patients have recovered and been […]

Coronavirus — February 27th, 2020 Facts

▶️ WHO says countries must be prepared for coronavirus ‘literally knocking at the door’. ▶️ China’s National Health Commission reported 327 new confirmed cases and 44 new deaths as of Feb. 27. Altogether, China has 78,824 confirmed cases and the death toll was at 2,788. ▶️ Masoumeh Ebtekar, vice president of Iran for […]

Coronavirus — February 26th, 2020 Facts

▶️ Chinese officials on Wednesday reported 433 new cases and 29 new deaths from the novel coronavirus. That brings the country’s total to 78,497. cases, and 2,744 deaths. ▶️ The total number of cases globally has now topped 81,000 and nearly 3,000 have died. ▶️ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed […]

Coronavirus — February 25th, 2020 Facts

▶️ China’s National Health Commission reported 406 new confirmed cases, and an additional 52 deaths, as of Feb. 25. The country’s total is now 78,064 confirmed cases, and 2,715 deaths. ▶️ The global death toll from coronavirus rose to 2,762 on Tuesday night, with more than 81,000 confirmed cases. ▶️ The US […]

Coronavirus — February 24th, 2020 Facts

▶️ China’s National Health Commission reported 508 new confirmed cases and 71 new deaths, as of Feb. 24. That brings the country’s total to 77,658 confirmed cases and 2,663 deaths. The number of people sickened by the disease has now topped 79,000 globally. ▶️ China is getting the epidemic under control, but […]

Coronavirus — February 23nd, 2020 FACTS

▶️ There were at least 77,150 confirmed cases in mainland China, bringing the global total to 79,356, with the death toll at 2,619. The number of new cases outside of Hubei stood at 18, the lowest since the commission started publishing nationwide data a month ago. ▶️ The number of confirmed coronavirus […]

Coronavirus — February 22nd, 2020 Facts

▶️ China’s National Health Commission reported 648 new confirmed cases, and 97 additional deaths as of Feb. 22. That brings the mainland’s total to 76,936 cases, and 2,442 deaths. ▶️ A Texas-based genetic engineering company is claiming to have a vaccine for the new coronavirus. Greffex Inc. CEO told the Houston Business […]

Coronavirus — February 21st, 2020 Facts

▶️ China’s National Health Commission reported an additional 109 deaths, almost all in Hubei province. That brings the country’s death toll to 2,345 people, according to government data. As of the end of Friday, the new coronavirus has infected another 397 people with China’s total confirmed cases at 76,288. ▶️ In the […]

Coronavirus — February 20th, 2020 Facts

▶️ Chinese officials announced that there were 889 new cases of the coronavirus in the previous 24 hours, raising the overall total above 75,000. The death toll went up by 118, to 2,236. ▶️ South Korea has become one of the worst affected places outside mainland China, reporting 52 new cases and […]

Coronavirus — February 19th, 2020 Facts

▶️ Chinese study finds novel coronavirus more contagious than SARS and MERS. China’s National Health Commission reported an additional 114 deaths, and 394 new confirmed cases as of Feb. 19. ▶️ The novel coronavirus has now killed more than 2,100 people, with eight deaths reported outside of mainland China. It has infected […]