GRACIELA KATZER: “WHY FAMILIES SHOULD COME TO PLANO INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL?” Mark your Calendar for October 12, from 11 AM to 5 PM! Come with children and invite your friends and coworkers!
It is a fun family Event!
You will find dances from all-over the […]
International Dallas
With Love From Kazakhstan, To Plano International Festival – Bibigul Shabaeva Buchanan
WITH LOVE TO PLANO INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL FROM KAZAKHSTAN The country of Kazakhstan is in Asia — between Russian and China. It is famous for oil production and Russian Space Center — Baikonur.
People from Kazakhstan are visiting the Festival for a number of years.
Listen to the […]
What is Plano International Festival
TOUR THE WORLD WITHOUT LEAVING TEXAS! Pictured on stage: Ludmila “Ukrainian Madonna” Kasyanenko Tour the world and improve your wellness at 15th Annual Plano International Festival.
The area’s largest cultural event offers food, fun and entertainment for the whole family.
Enjoy multicultural music and dance […]
Dr. Christine Hopkins, Plano International Festival – Come To Dance With A Symphony
Dr. Christine Hopkins is a prominent dentist of Plano, Texas. She loves dentistry and her office loves to help people.
In addition to that, Dr. Christine loves music. She is on a Board of Plano Symphony and in this video presents Dancing with the Symphony Program.
“Dancing […]
Linda Adler, Plano International Festival: Robots, Drone, Chess, Chemical Demos And A Lot More In Kid’s Kingdom Linda Adler, Vice-President and Publicity Chair of Plano International Festival, shares some exciting news about STEM Program at 15th Festival:
The 15th Annual Plano International Festival promises to be the best yet, and the STEAM area is no exception.
With a focus on STEAM […]
Donna Hartman, Plano International Festival – Fitness and Wellness Fair
FREE MEDICAL EVALUATION AND SCREENINGS AT PLANO INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Donna Hartman, Coordinator of 6th Annual Fitness and Wellness Fair of Plano International Festival, shares:
The Fair will be held at Courtyard Theater in downtown Plano, on Ave. H.
We will have number of screenings — […]
Пианистка Ольга Керн: «Мое призвание — играть на сцене и этим вдохновлять моих зрителей»
10 и 11 октября в Kimbell Art Museum выступит гениальная пианистка наших дней — Ольга Керн. В 2001 году в Форт-Уэрте Ольга стала золотой медалисткой конкурса Вана Клиберна и с тех пор блистательно выступает на многих мировых сценах. В интервью The Dallas Telegraph пианистка рассказала о том, как Рахманинов и […]
Graciela Katzer: Plano International Festival — Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
15 YEARS OF CELEBRATION OF NORTH TEXAS DIVERSITY Plano International Festival President and Founder Graciela Katzer shares the history of one of the greatest annual events in North Texas.
Started 15 year ago as a small gathering of people who love culture and food from around […]
Бродвейский мюзикл «Призрак оперы» был тепло принят публикой Северного Техаса
Рубрика “Наша исторя” Мюзикл — это один из моих любимых сценических жанров. И, знаете почему? Потому что на сцене одновременно представлены — балет, опера, театр и много чего другого. И все это действо сопровождается живой музыкой в исполнении Симфонического оркестра. Каждый раз, когда нас, The Dallas Telegraph, приглашают делать обзоры […]
Календарь культурных событий Большого Далласа c 28 сентября по 19 октября
15-ый ежегодный Междунарожный Фестиваль в Плэйно (15th Annual Plano International Festival) 12 октября с 11 утра до 5 вечера пройдет 15-ый ежегодный Междунарожный Фестиваль в Плэйно. В программе: кухни народов мира, музыка, выставка народных промыслов, танцы, парад флагов, веселье вместе с представителями почти 100 наций, Церемония натурализации, детские игровые площадки […]
Bangladesh at Plano International Festival
Friends, do you know which country has the longest Sea beach in the world? It is Bangladesh, South Asian country. Cox’s Bazar beach is over 120 km (75 miles) in length!
Unlike everywhere in the world, the country has a total number of six seasons: “Grismo”, which […]
Nigeria At Plano International Festival
West African country of Nigeria is a rich land — culturally, ethnically, religiously, and with a good supply of natural resources. Many Nigerians live in North Texas.
Traditionally these beautiful people gather at Plano International Festival for a friendly fellowship and many smiles.
Folks, come to 15th Plano International […]
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