▶️ China’s Hubei province announced 242 new deaths from the novel coronavirus, twice as many as on the previous day. New infections there jumped by more than 14,000. ▶️ The virus has killed more than 1,300 people and infected over 60,000 people worldwide. The vast majority of cases are in mainland China. […]
Tag: Русский Техас Русский Хьюстон
Coronavirus — February 11th, 2020 Facts
▶️ The novel coronavirus has killed more than 1,100 people and infected over 45,000 people worldwide. The vast majority of cases are in mainland China. ▶️ A total of 175 cases have been confirmed on a cruise ship quarantined in Japan. More than 2,000 people are stranded on another cruise that was […]
Coronavirus — February 10th, 2020 Facts
▶️ The virus: 2,478 new coronavirus cases were identified in mainland China on Monday, bringing the total number of infections there to 42,638. Worldwide, 43,090 people were infected. ▶️ The death toll and the cured: 108 people died from the virus in mainland China Monday, bringing the total death toll there to […]
Русский Даллас: Нужно ли бояться коронавируса?
НУЖНО ЛИ БОЯТЬСЯ КОРОНАВИРУСА? 🌬 Не успел начаться 2020 год, как мир потрясла весть об эпидемии коронавируса в Китае, которая уже вышла за пределы азиатского гиганта и стремительно распространяется по миру. 🌬 Этот неизвестный ранее вирус вызывает быстрое развитие тяжелой формы пневмонии. Опасность его в том, что вирус достаточно быстро передается от […]
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