Tag: Corona Virus Texas

Coronavirus — February 3rd, 2020 Facts

▶️ The coronavirus outbreak has killed at least 426 people and infected more than 20,400 globally as it continues to spread beyond China. “There’s no sign that it’s getting better,” said Leo Poon, division head of the public health laboratory sciences department at the University of Hong Kong. ▶️ Some deaths still […]

Coronavirus — February 1st, 2020 Facts

▶️ Possible Cases of Coronavirus Under Review in Dallas. ▶️ Trump administration declares coronavirus emergency, orders first quarantine in 50 years. ▶️ Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Saturday approved Department of Defense (DoD) housing at four military bases for 1,000 people who may have to be quarantined as a result of the coronavirus, […]

Coronavirus — January 31st, 2020 Facts

▶️ The WHO ( World Health Organization) has declared an international emergency over coronavirus. ▶️ The number of confirmed coronavirus cases has risen to 9,809 and killing 213 in mainland China, according to Chinese authorities. Beijing declares public health emergency and warns foreign visitors. ▶️ The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

Стоит ли жителям Далласа бояться китайского коронавируса?

Не успел начаться 2020 год, как мир потрясла весть об эпидемии коронавируса в Китае, которая уже вышла за пределы азиатского гиганта и стремительно распространяется по миру. Этот неизвестный ранее вирус вызывает быстрое развитие тяжелой формы пневмонии. Опасность его в том, что вирус быстро распространяется от человека к человеку. На 31 […]