▶️ As of Thursday morning, there were 8,123 confirmed cases in mainland China alone with 170 deaths in China, according to Chinese state media, and more than 100 cases elsewhere around the world. ▶️ The virus has been confirmed in five people in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control said Wednesday […]
Tag: Русский Хьюстон
Coronavirus — January 29th, 2020 Facts
▶️ The number of coronavirus cases in China has mushroomed to more than 6,060, exceeding the total number of SARS cases in that country during the 2002-2003 epidemic. There were 5,327 SARS cases in China and 8,000 across the world between Nov. 1, 2002, and July 31, 2003, according to the […]
Coronavirus — January 28th, 2020 Facts
▶️ The death toll from the outbreak has now topped 100, with more than 4,500 cases in mainland China. Between Sunday and Monday, there was a 65% jump in the number of reported cases in mainland China, from around 2,700 to over 4,500. ▶️ Chinese President Xi Jinping said the coronavirus epidemic […]
За что ребенка-американца задержали на вылете в Шереметьево
Екатерина Рюмина из Нью-Йорка поделилась душераздирающей историей на своей странице Фейсбука: “Москва, березы, вкусные рестораны. Маникюр в полночь, в четыре руки. Доставка минеральной воды в четыре утра. Чистое метро. Очень чистое метро. Чистый город. Массаж, которого не найдешь в Нью-Йорке ни за какие деньги, а здесь полтора часа – тридцать долларов. […]
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