Translating the Bible in ex-USSR

Text by Vladimir Grygorenko
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Andrei Desnitsky, a translation consultant for the Institute for Bible Translation (IBT, in Moscow, presents in Dallas on March 22nd, 2014 at 3:30 PM the work and challenges that IBT faces.

Dr. Desnitsky is an Orthodox Christian continuing the work first begun by Sts. Cyril and Methodius, who first preached the Christian faith among the Slavs in the 9th century.
Eastern Europe, Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus are home to people who speak many different languages into which the Bible has never been translated. IBT focuses on these languages, such as Yakut, Gagauz, and Chechen.
A well-known journalist, writer, and translator, Dr. Andrei Desnitsky has served as a research fellow at the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1994, and has worked with IBT since 1999. In addition to his academic degrees, Dr Desnitsky has done extensive post-doctoral work at academic institutions in the West.
The author of more than 50 scholarly papers on biblical topics, he currently teaches Old Testament exegesis, Biblical Criticism, and Biblical Languages at St. Andrew’s Biblical Theological College in Moscow. Website of Andrei Desnitsky (in Russian):
In Dallas, TX the lecture of Dr. Desnitsky will be presented in English.A freewill offering to support IBT’s translation work will be collected at the end of the lecture.
Location: Parish Hall of St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral, 4208 Wycliff Ave @ Throckmorton St, Dallas, TX 75219.

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